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#4Necessity        #ActOnClimate        #ValveTurners


News & Updates

In Wisconsin, I am in the full swing of summer on a farm. Things that I find myself doing include washing clothes by hand, taking care of beehives with other community members, weeding and mulching garden beds, harvesting fruit and vegetables, sowing wildflower seeds, watching the moon late at night, helping to plan prairie restoration, and milking a cow. Brenna and I were able to facilitate a talk about the valve turning last week, which was fruitful and meaningful in different ways. I am trusting in the movements of the Universe while we wait in uncertainty for the judge's decision on whether or not we can use the Climate Necessity Defense and when the trial will be. I feel grateful for continued life in community on this beautiful farm.


Since only one of the Valve Turners has a Facebook account, most of you have been interacting with me through all of the content on the FB page. Our support team has split up some of the logistical pieces to try to relieve some of the burden from the Valve Turners. I live in a Catholic Worker house in Chicago. We are currently home to a combination of 7 Catholic Workers and folks in need of transitional housing. This summer we are working on making our 109 year old home more energy efficient before winter through the installation of updated radiator valves and better insulation. While we acknowledge our own personal responsibility in reducing CO2 emissions, we also support initiatives to pressure corporations and government to make changes, recognizing that without larger communal effort, individual change will not be sufficient to make an impact against climate change. Besides living in the Catholic Worker, my time is spent working as a trauma therapist, teaching community college courses, and managing a community garden.


My life on the farm has been active and gratifying these summer months, as we install a permanent fencing paddock network for our rotational grazing system, which sequesters carbon back in the soil, at the same time that it meets human needs for nutrient-dense food. I have also been active in supporting our son Simin's Fridays for Future (#climatestrike, #fridaysforfuture) weekly climate strike event in our small town of Viroqua.

My wife Dayna and I are part of a forming local chapter of Extinction Rebellion, which is planning on a regional convergence in Chicago in October for a global period of action. The strategy of XR is to peacefully disrupt global financial centers, and demand truth-telling and appropriate emergency responses from governments on the climate crisis. When I am not at work milking cows or doing construction, my life is full with the family activities of fishing, foraging, camping, cooking, summer chores and reading.

To hear Daniel's speech at an XR event in Chicago, click here.



What will you do for Mother Earth? Climate change is upon us and the struggle will only continue to change and grow. Follow our story, and connect to others with similar concerns by subscribing below.

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