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March: Climate Defense News Round Up!

Do you find yourself with more time to read these days? Here's a rundown of articles (mostly featured on our facebook page during the last month) that are worth catching up on:

+ A Portland, Oregon jury refused to find Extinction Rebellion activists guilty. They had planted a victory garden blocking railroad tracks used for fossil fuel transport.

+ One of the 5 US Valve Turners who acted in 2016, Leonard Higgins, was denied the necessity defense in Montana. The 2016 Valve Turners were inspired by indigenous women activists who turned valves in Canada, and were influential to the Four Necessity Valve Turners.

+ The Constitution Pipeline from Pennsylvania to New York has been cancelled due to diminished perceived returns, due in large part to regulatory requirements the states were held accountable to by activists.

+ Are you still curious about the Catholic Worker Movement and principles that brought the Four Necessity Valve Turners together? Do you recall thinking the Catholic Worker was urban, or early failed farming experiments? Here's a recent article quoting Four Necessity Valve Turner Brenna Cussen Anglada, as well as her husband and support team member Eric Anglada, among other Catholic Workers reflecting on the movement.

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