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#4Necessity        #ActOnClimate        #ValveTurners

An Early Spring


As untrusting as I am of March weather, in my part of the Midwest we are seeing what looks like May weather. I'm scratching my head a little over the planting plan - it seems like the peas, beets, and carrots could go in any time, since the ground is thawed and the snowdrops are blooming. Perhaps because I lived in the south for a few years, it doesn't seem so impossible to me that we could shift the growing season up two months.

At the same time, the water level is high in the Great Lakes and unseasonable wind storms are raising waves over twenty feet high that pound into breakwalls, eroding the shore, taking back land, as if telling us that we have not been good stewards. These nearby stories are small in comparison with the droughts, fires, and other catastrophes abroad. If there is still time to slow or stop climate change, it is closing fast.

We are still living with and asking the same questions I posed to you in February: Particularly, how shall we celebrate with you all the time we have left? And how can we support you in this moment of climate catastrophe? We want to be sure you didn't miss our announcement to join us in June, and to know that the world desperately needs you and the actions you are taking.

You can support us in our upcoming trial by making a donation, joining us in Northeastern Minnesota, or offering housing, food, and volunteer support. The schedule of events is as follows, more details to come!

Panel Discussion with the Valve Turners

6:30 - 9:00 pm Friday, May 30th, 2020

Peace Church, Duluth, MN

Welcome Table with the Valve Turners

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Monday, June 1st, 2020

TBD Grand Rapids, MN

Evening Prayer & Song

8:00 - 9:00 pm Monday, June 1st, 2020

Camp Hiawatha, Deer River Township, MN

Trial Begins

8:30 am Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020

Itasca County Court House, Grand Rapids, MN

(court scheduled Tuesday through Friday, but may adjourn before then)

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