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While we continue to wait for the Four Necessity Valve Turner Trial, environmental protections continue to be removed and fossil fuel infrastructure projects go forward, further endangering a livable future.

MN 350 is hosting a webinar on Tuesday evening to share updates on the Line 3 project in northern Minnesota that expands and reroutes a pipeline through environmentally and culturally sensitive landscapes. The old Line 3 pipeline is in dangerously bad condition, speaking poorly of the long-term maintenance plan for pipelines.

The webinar is Tuesday, June 30, 2020 6:30 PM -  8:00 PM CT you can register here.

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Today is the longest day of the year - the day when the most light falls on the earth. In agrarian societies, this day was a time to celebrate the growing season thus far and hope for fertile harvests. In this technological age, when so many humans are isolated from noticing that the days are growing longer or (as of tomorrow) shorter, it can be easy to lose track of the natural systems that support our very life. On this day of abundant light, what will you choose to focus on?

Perhaps you're still processing Juneteenth and need to take a deeper dive into its meaning.

Perhaps you're in Illinois, where we have the responsibility to stop the proposed DAPL Double.

Perhaps you're participating in the Poor People's Campaign Moral March on Washington.

Perhaps you've turned off technology for a day to enjoy nature.

Perhaps you're in the streets, advocating for black lives.

Perhaps you're preparing for a great Father's Day tomorrow.

Perhaps you're at home, watching and learning.

Perhaps you're ill, or nursing a friend or family member, or mourning the dead.

Perhaps you're going back to work in this time of uncertainty.

Wherever you are as you read this, breathe deep. Hold it in, and really feel how it is to be filled up, full to bursting, completely satiated.

Let it out, slowly, and feel your energy going out into the world, where it will make an impact you can neither know nor control.

This is the most basic abundance in the world, available to us all. Even breath can be (and is) denied, as we have seen this early-summer-time. But perhaps practicing this everyday freedom to breathe deep, to fill up, to be immersed in more than we can hold, will help us believe in the greater abundances available if only we dare to divest from the systems of exploitation, pollution, punishment, and denial, and invest instead in the systems of renewal, tending, and sharing.

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by Shannon Knox available via

Early in the coronavirus crisis I mentioned that we were all practicing movement organizing strategies in staying home and resisting this virus, and that this moment makes it clear that movement organizing is more powerful than the government, the army, or capitalism. From the movement for racial justice in our streets, it looks like we are all learning this together.

If this update seems off topic, I ask you to recall that the Four Necessity Valve Turners cited the UN report on climate change, which we know will more severely impact people of color worldwide. Furthermore, the extraction and transportation of oil in pipelines disproportionately risks land that is sensitive and sacred to indigenous people. Oil refinement and emissions cause chronic respiratory illness, risk factors for deadly covid-19 symptoms, primarily in black and brown communities that have long been recipients of NIMBY uses like industrial and transportation corridors. Anishinaabeg representatives have stated unequivocally that an oil spill in their rice lakes would amount to genocide due to the loss of traditional food, medicine, and income. The Sunrise Movement eloquently explains here how the climate movement and the movement for racial justice cannot be separated.

If this statement seems late, it is because the work on the ground is real for us, located as we are in communities across the United States that are impacted by racism. Every part of this country contributes to the continuation of racism and police violence, even the most rural and remote. Your work for racial justice is needed now and for years to come.

How do I know this? In Cincinnati, the conservative small city where I grew up, a black teen named Timothy Thomas was shot dead as he ran away from the police in April 2001. They were chasing him because they had a warrant for his arrest - for driving without a seatbelt and other misdemeanors - after racially profiling and harassing him for a year. The black community in Cincinnati grieved and rioted for a full week. A curfew was announced and enforced (does this sound familiar?) and when the officers were not brought to justice, local anti-racism organizers and nationally recognized Black entertainers boycotted Cincinnati businesses and cancelling shows and appearances until the next crisis hit the news, on 9/11/2001.

A few short years later a black peer from another city asked me what it was like. I had read every news article I could find, talked about it extensively. As I looked this young man in the eyes, I realized with shame that I had nothing to tell him that he didn't already know. I had all-but forgotten the incident in the comfort and privilege of my life, and as a white teen in the suburbs, I had already learned to expect the news of black death. I was ashamed to look him in the eye, realizing that this life, which could have been his life, had not mattered to me the way it did to him. That is what Black Lives Matter means: that we must cease to find the untimely death of black people normal.

Nineteen years, countless lives, and millions if not billions of dollars spent on police reform and retraining later, what has changed? Locally, the neighborhood where people rioted for Timothy Thomas' life was systematically gentrified by the white business community, erasing black life from downtown. Nationally, years of organizing have built a movement with clear demands inspiring millions of people to protest in the streets or from their homes. But nothing is inevitable. We expect a tide of conservative backlash, if not now then in November. Even if you live in a community too small to have a police force, or too white to make this a popular issue, you can stand up for black lives, you can refuse to let this moment fade into memory, you can make calls and conversation for justice, for defunding or abolishing the police. As the climate movement we are fighting for black lives already, so let's make sure everyone knows that!

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