Michelle, Brenna, Allyson, and Daniel each have one additional felony charge proposed to be added to their current misdemeanor and felony charges. The new charge would be criminal damage to property, due to a complaint from the prosecution claiming damage to the valve in excess of $1,000. The previous charge, aiding and abetting attempted damage to pipeline property implied there was no actual damage, perhaps recalling that the previous Valve Turner case in Minnesota was thrown out because the charge (property destruction to a pipeline) could not be proven. Our team is still learning the extent of maximum penalties associated with this new charge. Additional charges may be added up to and, in some cases, during a trial, while the defense will have time to contest charges and defend innocence up to and throughout the trial.
In this time of waiting and considering the uncertainty ahead, your thoughts, prayers, and support are incredibly helpful for our defendants. We would love to see some of you for our 'contested omnibus hearing' May 8th in Itasca County, more information here.