Yesterday activists took part in direct action to lock down equipment engaging in Line 3 construction. While Enbridge publicly stated that construction will not begin until cultural review is complete, activities on site have commenced. It is important to bring attention to these inconsistencies as well as the overall lack of attention paid to the potential of spills.

If you would like to learn more about the direct action, please visit the Ginew Collective Facebook page (https://m.facebook.com/notes/ginew/ginew-frontline-resistance/2083213962007865/) for updates and a website (https://www.bit.ly/stoppipeline3) for donations in addition to the amazon wishlist above.
For more information on the recent finding of a Minnesota court that environmental review for Enbridge Line 3 shockingly did not take into account the potential damage from a leak, read this article (https://www.mprnews.org/story/2019/06/03/line3-oil-pipeline-minnesota-court-environement-spill-impact). Given that the Dakota Access Pipeline leaked within its first year of operation, as do a substantial percentage of pipelines, meaningful environmental review must consider this possibility.